Friday, 4 December 2015


Nama Perusahaan : PrajectMISCH.
Berdiri : Juni 2013
Jenis Perusahaan : Distro
Pasar yang dituju : Remaja-Dewasa (14 th keatas) –khususnya remaja
Pendiri : Ariq Rafif Dhia
Anggota : Ariq Rafif Dhia  (CEO + Graphic Designer + Marketing + Mitra Sablon)
Email :
Phone : +6289609960865

PrajectMISCH.adalah distro t-shirt yang menyediakan desain desain t-shirt dikususkan untuk remaja , baik yang single maupun yang memiliki pasangan (couple) untuk sekedar bergaya mengikuti style anak muda masa kini ataupun sebagai hadiah (kado) bagi para remaja terhadap pasangannya. Sebagai hadiah ulang tahun, anniversary gift ataupun yang lainnya. Menyediakan juga pembuatan dalam partai besar seperti kaos kelas, organisasi, klub ,dll.
Diprakarsai oleh Ariq Rafif yang memiliki keinginan untuk mengasah kemampuannya dalam hal desain grafis, Ariq pun mencoba membuat beberapa desain t-shirt (kaos) yang sedang popular di kalangan remaja. Dengna desain yang unik dan orisinil, dia pun mencoba untuk membuat suatu usaha kecil yaitu produk/jasa distro t-shirt  dengan nama ‘PrajectMISH.’

Jenis barang yang kami produksi adalah t-shirt (kaos) single, couple, kaos kelas, tim, organisasi kelompok, dll. Dengan bahan kain combat standard distro berbagai warna sesuai keinginan konsumen, dengan bahan sablon vasde dan rubber, ukuran kaos M,L,XL lengan pendek/panjang.

Menyediakan t-shirt distro berkualitas dengan desain yang bagus, unik dan kreatif dan sesuai dengan style anak muda masa kini
Menciptakan t-shirt yang dapat diterima dan dikonsumsi oleh para remaja dan menjadi distro favorit para penggila t-shirt.


Proses Produksi disini yang dilakukan adalah dari proses perancangan konsep desain sampai proses t-shirt jadi, yang dilakukan oleh Ariq Rafif Dhia selaku Graphic Designer dan Mitra Sablon
Proses produksi yang dilakukan dari awal adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Planning Design, kami biasanya menyediakan contoh contoh desain dari kami sendiri untuk konsumen, tapi jika konsumen ingin membuat t-shirt dengan desain mereka sendiri kami juga siap membuatkan, planning design meliputi mencari ide design, membuat sketsa di kertas, kemudian dipindai dengan scanner ke dalam bentuk digital (gambar.jpeg)
2. Proses menggambar dengan metode tracing (vector) , tool yg kami gunakan dengan Adobe Photoshop dengan teknik shaping sehingga gambar yang dihasilkan masih dalam bentuk vector, tidak seperti kebanyakan desainer yang menggunakan Corel Draw sebagai pengolah vector image, designer kami menggukakan Adobe Photoshop kemudian di import ke Adobe Illustrator sebagai program pengolah vector.
3. File diimport ke format .jpeg dengan resolusi besar, untuk kemudian diserahkan ke mitra sablon kami
4. Mitra sablon, Ariq Rafif Dhia memulai proses sabloning, dimulai dengan memisahkan gambar gambar ke dalam layer2 tersendiri kemudian di print, proses selanjutnya sabloning dengan tool tool seperti Screen, Rakel, Spon Hitam ,Kaca dan Triplek
5. Sabloning selesai , tunggu proses pengeringan sampai t-shirt jadi sempurna


Konsumen yang kami tuju terutama adalah pasar remaja yang ingin berpakaian modis ala sekarang. Maka dari itulah kami menciptakan PrajectMISCH. dengan design kaos yang lucu dan unik.

Pemasaran kami lakukan secara online (khususnya) dan offline, untuk pemasaran online kami menggunakan media jejaring social seperti Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, serta website. Kami menyediakan gallery di facebook sehingga customer bias memilih desain yang mereka sukai. Jika customer ingin desain mereka sendiri , maka cukup kontak kami, via Facebook, YM, atau sms kemudian mengirimkan desain mereka ke
Secara offline kami memasarkan produk kami mulai dari teman teman dekat, teman kampus serta orang orang di sekitar kami , dari mulut ke mulut. Jika mereka ingin membuat kaos single atau couple untuk pasangan mereka.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Dewa Athena

Hello my name is Ariq Rafif and I will tell you about dewa athena. Dewa Athena is meaning "Olimpiade Siswa Siswi Ajang Unjuk Bakat dan Kemampuan" that is a sport competition that hosted by OSIS Sie 7 SMAN 3 Bandung. Now, it's the 7th of Dewa Athena. The yell is 'Fortes Fortuna Iuvat'. The event started at Saturday, 21 February 2015 and we must come to Bali court. It was begin by run together with theme 'colour run'.

There is three opening in this event. 1. second Yasril and the third was Mr Encang. then Mr Encang open this event he's hope the student will be more healthy with this event. after that we went to color run around Bali court, saparua, jawa street, Siliwangi street, sumatra street and then finish in Bali court. When we reached the court we sprayed with water colorful so that our clothes being colored and then competition begins.

The competition begins with a football game between the winner of BM cup against the all star. The winner is BM Cup All Star with score '2-1'. After that the competition begins. There are many kinds of sport competition such as futsal, badminton, estafet, dodge ball, tug of war, table tennis, etc.


Nadzir: H. Pardi Asmaun
Interview Place: Desa Broto


1.How chronology perwakafan in the village of Broto is the pack?

2.How many field pack waqf land here?

3.What Constraints faced in the development of waqf property sir?

4.Costs for maintenance and development of waqf property from which the pack?

1.Broto's first rural community does not want to establish prayer and serve as a place of prostitution. Seeing such a phenomenon that stirred the hearts pack Imam Pardi he was the first to establish a mosque, a new mosque in 1979 stood for the first time. In order to develop our collaboration with Gontor. Ancient mosques made of bamboo only after there is help around 500 million we could build mosques and mosque were good.
2. For waqf land in the village Broto around there are 10 fields of 10 fields where it is 7 to mushala passage and three for mosque this one mosque near my house.
3.Many obstacles that must be faced in the development of waqf property, one of which many people do not like even the first village head did not agree that there perwakafan for places of worship. Even today there are still many people who love mas ya drink alcohol and still rampant gambling.

Even the first ever event of a dispute because the wakif and nadzir was just trusting in the absence of strong evidence if tanhanya already diwakafkan causing disputes, land endowment was prompted again by the heir yes we can not do anything just silence.
4. For yes waqf property maintenance costs especially for a mosque near my house this from our family ya. While for others there who come from non-governmental and government.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

The Beatles - "Mother Nature's Son"

Born a poor young country boy
Mother Nature's son
All day long I'm sitting, singing songs for everyone
Sit beside a mountain stream
See her waters rise
Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies
Find me in my field of grass
Mother Nature's son
Swaying daisies, sing a lazy song beneath the sun
Mother Nature's son

This is John Lennon-Paul McCartney song and released by The Beatles. They inspired by Maharishi  Mahesh speech about nature in India. They are very love the nature.It was get in top 20 Earth Day Songs in 22 April 1970.

"I seem to remember writing Mother Nature's Son at my dad's house in Liverpool. I often used to do that if I'd gone up to see him. Visiting my family I'd feel in a good mood, so it was often a good occasion to write songs. So this was me doing my mother nature's son bit. I've always loved the [Nat King Cole] song called Nature Boy: 'There was a boy, a very strange and gentle boy...' He loves nature, and Mother Nature's Son was inspired by that song. I'd always loved nature, and when Linda and I got together we discovered we had this deep love of nature in common. There might have been a little help from John with some of the verses." - Paul McCartney

"That was from a lecture of Maharishi where he was talking about nature, and I had a piece called I'm Just A Child Of Nature, which turned into Jealous Guy years later. Both inspired from the same lecture of Maharishi." - John Lennon

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Bats have received a bad reputation as being blood suckers, carriers of disease and "flying rats," All of these descriptions are wrong and fail to grasp the beauty, wonder and benefits of bats. 

There are over 40 species of bats in the United States and all of them are beneficial to people. Most bats feed on insect pests and some bats even help in pollination.  Scientists study bats to further expand our understanding of flight, sound, sonar and evolutionary biology.  Even bat guano is an important resource and fertilizer!  So before you tell scary stories about bats, remember how much they help make our lives better every day!

Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Instead of arms or hands, they have wings. The wings have a bone structure similar to the human hand. Between the bones are flaps of skin.

Bats have fur on their bodies and sometimes the head. The wings do not have fur. Bats can be a range of colors from red to tan, brown or gray.

A bat's ears are very important because bats use them to hunt food. The ears tend to be large and noticeable. Many times the ears will stick up on the side of the head. The Allen's big-eared bat has ears so long that they make up two thirds of its body length! 

A bat's nose can be very useful characteristic for identifying a bat species. Some are small and simple, others are shaped like a pig's nose and some even have noses shaped like leaves.

Insect-eating bats hunt using a type of natural sonar called echolocation. They emit a high-frequency sound (undetectable to people) that bounces off of surrounding objects. When a sound hits an object, or better-yet an insect, it bounces back and returns to the bat. Using special sensory organs, the bat can determine where the insect is located and how far away. Everything happens so quickly that a bat can make almost instant turns and maneuvers to catch a flying insect. A bat's echolocation system is so advanced and precise that scientists study bats to make sonar equipment for ships.


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Advertisement - EAGLE GOGGLES

prajectMISCH.™ present....


With future technology that created by prajectMISCH. the EAGLE GOGGLES have featuring:

1. Can be use for like swimgoggles, so you don't have to buy an ordinary swimgoggles.
2.It's cheap
3.It's has the database of all people in the world. So if you meet a strange guy and you feel suspicious. Don't worry with EAGLE GOGGLES you can know the identity of that strange guy.
4.It's cheap
5. It has loop mode and binocular mode, you must know what it means
6.It's cheap
7.It has sweeper if your goggles got dirty
8. And the best feature is... IT'S CHEAP! OH GOD REALLY?!

You just need to pay 500.000 IDR* and the EAGLE GOGGLES is yours.

Available now for multiple person.

*tax not included

Monday, 19 January 2015

Natural Phenomenon - Sailing Stone

Have you ever heard about a big stone moving without someone moved it? Sounds freaky, right? Now now, it just a common phenomenon (Are you sure?). It's called sailing stone. Now this is the explanation for this phenomenon.

The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley (Eastern California's Mojave Desert)have been a center of scientific controversy for decades. Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time. Some scientists have proposed that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements. However, this theory does not explain evidence of different rocks starting side by side and moving at different rates and in disparate directions. Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour would be needed to move some of the stones.

Although there have been many theories about how the rocks might be moving on their own including dust devils, hurricane-force winds, films of slippery algae or thick sheets of ice -- none had ever been confirmed, nor had any human seen the rocks actually moving.

Monday, 12 January 2015

My holiday

Happy new year everyone! I know it's just too late,but...whatever. Tonight I wanna tell you about my holidays. Hope you enjoy it:)

In 23 January I got my report card. I was so glad I got nice score. After that day I didn't go anywhere just stayed at home. In new year eve, I with my friends go to Car Free Night in Dago. We spent our new year celebration there.

In 5 January, I with my friend in school prepared a event that will have effects for our organization in future. 7,8,9 January, we went to place that the event held. There we had a forum in day 1 and day 2, we all get bored and had some games in day 3. In our way home we went to Cikole for an outbound. And that's my experience with family of Perwakilan Kelas 61 at Villa near Sariater. Thank You!